A Letter to Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, April 15, 1966 – John Keel

John Keel sitemaster Doug Skinner offers an interesting item from Keel’s “Official Correspondence” file. Skinner and a reader consider one reason why Bishop Sheen may not have replied, but there might be a more obvious one involving the magazine for Keel’s proposed article. In General Chart (1) Doug furnishes us the first of three posts comprising a January 1967 UFO sightings list, and speculates as to its exact purpose. This first installment features “Elgin (Eglin?) AFB rocket” as the Air Force explanation for sightings reports from Mississippi, Kentucky, Kansas, and of course Florida. General Chart (2) includes a “swamp gas” explanation and John’s characterization of some witnesses as “nondescript.” General Chart (3) has a January 18th entry from Indiana “explained” as “Influence of TV; The Invaders; clear weather (Quintanilla).” This probably refers to the January 17, 1967, McCutchanville, Indiana, sighting, which Jon Webb describes in Webb: 1967 Evansville UFO Sighting Was Blamed on a TV Show. (WM)

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