A Recent Photo From Loch Ness – Loch Ness Monster

Many “fortean” websites love posting wild emails without regard for their veracity, but thank goodness for Glasgow Boy whose correspondents share intriguing information with potential evidence! Is Nessie breaking quarantine, or are there more familiar entities plumbing her depths? Mike Mayes is getting back into the groove of things by Catching Up With Previously Unpublished Black Panther Sightings replete with photos, locations, and anecdotes from correspondents regarding their encounters. If you happen to believe you live someplace boring where nothing weird ever happens, Nick Redfern’s been playing around with Creating Our Very Own Creatures Of The Paranormal Type with the same techniques utilized for tulpas. Much like an audience’s belief will revive Tinkerbell, Nick reckons if enough people buy the existence of a cryptid or tall tale then it may very well manifest in the real world in the same fashion Emily Buermann appeared at the International Cryptozoology Museum! Meet The International Cryptozoology Museum’s New Board Member and what she has to offer to the world’s only pure cryptozoology museum. (CS)

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