Abduction Memory Flooded Back – Phantoms and Monsters

A 35-year-old mid-Michigan abduction is recalled by the witness, and it indeed does tie into other types of reports. Strange encounters, black Cadillacs, and a discovery “that the MIB were turning people into evil, mindless zombies” would become part of John Keel’s memories of the New York State contactees in Special Cases–The Long Island File (83): Agar’s Sister. And Mark O’Connell’s in a sort of quandary over memories, as well. In the process of looking through his notes for a reference to an early UFO sighting by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, O’Connell stumbled upon evidence of yet a third sighting Mark had missed while researching the recent Hynek biography The Close Encounters Man. If anyone has information about Hynek’s Ontario “cabin sighting,” please contact Mark at his site. (WM)

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