Alien Encounter in Cleveland, Ohio on February 17th 1969 – This was a UFO..but more about who came out of it.

I was a young child and left confused and dazed but never unsure of what happened on this night…or the year of when it happened. I am convinced by now that I could have been a baby in diapers and NEVER forgotten this encounter. I thought I was crazy. I knew I wasn’t. I searched for years of UFO’s in my small town and all of a sudden..The Ex chief of Police who no longer lives there told his account of that night to our local paper out the clear blue. I have long since moved from this town as he has..but the overwhelming sense of relief to read this article and corroborate a story i’ve only recently told two other people (my brothers) is even scarier but truth affirming. It’s out there and in our faces. TRUST THAT. As i’m writing this an earthquake just shook my building..unsettling..I will proceed with my truth.

On that early morning this is what I remember…I was awakened in the living room of our home from having fell asleep with my brothers on the couch and I was facing the wall on the outside edge..I looked back to see an enormous bright light out the picture window and suddenly focused on two to three figures that were grayish..bulbish..thinnish..and I think apparently surprised I had roused myself..the next thing i felt was an overwhelming, uncomfortable, vibrating throughout my entire being while they conferred with each other however quickly and then it was morning. I do know after that uncomfortable..and frightening for me dream sometime later that made me feel less uncomfortable was of a passenger plane that flew almost ground level to our house..I knew it wasn’t gonna crash..and then it kept going over the trees and fields..Until last year I never breathed a word or forgot what had happened until I just up and told my brother..and cried with relief and awe for some odd reason..until tonight..when I watched Hanger1 on the History channel about Buzz Aldrin and the lunar landing..typed in my town and ufo and the year..and this man finally talked to somebody. I also realized in talking with my brother about it again is that maybe I didn’t just wake up. Most likely I accidentally woke up when they were placing me back from where they got me. It’s a possibility but I can’t say for sure. Ageing can bring out the truth in any number of people and I’m so glad he’s talking now. This town was po dunk small…he is not LYING And i am SO GLAD!!!



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