Alien Encounter Near Nageezi, NM – Phantoms and Monsters

Lon Strickler publishes a highly detailed account by an anonymous person about an August 25, 2017, early evening encounter with a strange craft and its two alien occupants. The humanoids were somewhat like classic “greys,” but taller with insectoid and gopher-like elements, and sported glowing greenish uniforms with similarly snazzy beige roll-type cuffs. With Special Cases–The Long Island File (62): Louise, Gladys, and the Pallucis we get much less definite detail, but perhaps a similar amount of weirdness. John Keel’s informant “Louise” phones him and arranges to come over to his apartment, but calls back later with the news that she can’t come because she has just found out that she is somewhere in Canada. No idea how she got there, and uncertainty as to why. John’s main contact Jaye Paro relates how her female alien companion Agar is developing a sense of humor and went out to dinner with Jaye and some friends, but that only Jaye herself could see Agar “and that her friends probably thought she was crazy.” As are other stories in this amazingly varied continuing series of contacts. (WM)

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