An Alien, An Air Marshal and Atomic War – Mysterious Universe

Nick Redfern provides another fascinating peek into a little-known piece of British UFO history. Contactee, MI-5 loyalty test, or…? The story Sir Peter Horsley tells is unsettling in several ways. Rich Reynolds delivers a sober historical lesson on The Vast Severity of Ufology. Rich thinks that “Taking UFOs seriously is a mad addiction” similar to a medley of named and unnamed enthusiasms ranging from the seemingly innocuous to the depraved. That’s a leap we wouldn’t take, but most of the thoughts up to the precipice resonated. And then we read Special Cases–The Long Island File (73): Dear Friends. Doug Skinner’s latest offering from the writings of John Keel shows Keel trying to “reconstruct the whole history” of his enmeshment with human contactees and their alien/android/hoaxer associates. Keel echoes the Duke of Edinburgh’s concern for reputation mentioned by Nick Redfern in the first post, and shrinks from being deemed a “nut.” Nonetheless Keel seems to have bought into his own “mad addiction” hook, line, and sinker. (WM)

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