An Intriguing George Adamski Article – Hakan Blomqvist's Blog

The late Uber-Contactee George Adamski still has some highly intelligent followers. And from the 1960s onwards these folks have sought to square some of Adamski’s more outre statements with possible realities. In this case Hakan Blomqvist ponders a possible mind manipulation program by aliens or humans, benevolent or otherwise. More interesting 1960s stuff appears in A Letter to Jim and Coral Lorenzen, May 23, 1966, written by John Keel. “I’ve aged twenty years in the last three weeks,” writes Keel, whose recent information intake about the aliens and their nefarious plans has him saying “It is later than you think.” That same day saw the composition of A Letter From Coral Lorenzen, May 23, 1966. Coral’s missive has much of interest besides the APRO leaders’ fears about ET hijinks. What caught our attention was the story in the second paragraph about a nuclear physicist who was so affected by beginning “to see the hostile angle” that he “ended up being a full-fledged contactee fan.” Are there lessons here for us, now 50+ years later? Do we need to reassess the possible different reactions to an indisputable ET presence? Take Steve Hammons’ US Navy UFO Encounters: Space Scientists Speculate on ‘First Contact’ with Visitors. Besides mentioning others’ thoughts on the First Contact possibility, Hammons has his own speculation on what the Navy might be doing about it. (WM)

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