'Angel' Photographed Hovering Over Firefighters in Poland – Coast to Coast AM

This first report comes to us from Poland where a photo was taken of a seemingly angelic cloud formation that appears to be looking down upon firefighters battling a blaze. The world’s gone crazy so if these first responders want to claim an angel was watching over them, we’re not going to contest it. In fact, we’re going to start checking the skies for guardians of our own.  Next, was that a Ghost Filmed at Gas Station in India? Take a look for yourselves and see what comes to mind. There’s certainly something odd going on in the video, but it looks more like a market thief making off with a loaf of bread, or a rotund footballer making a run for it with the ball under one arm. In our world that’s an indication of a video tape recorded and erased too many times. Even so, it’s a much more pleasant viewing experience than current news. (CM)

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