Are UFO Believers Airheads? A Polite Rebuttal – Micah Hanks

The worst scoldings are the reasonable ones where voices aren’t raised. Such is the case with Micah Hanks, southern gentleman and renowned fortean, taking William Saunderson-Meyer to task for a careless ad hominem attack. William’s poison pen serves to diminish the legacy of the late, great John Keel who wasn’t an airhead in the least. Over at Doug Skinner’s tribute site are scans from Keel’s Strange Case Of The Pregnant Woman. Part one and Part Two follow Keel’s adventures across Long Island featuring MIBs, alien baby trade contracts, and missing time brought alive by Keel’s singular, authorial voice. In a similar vein, Lee Brickley’s investigations ’round Cannock Chase herald the Return Of The Black Eyed Children. One Mrs. Kelly wrote Lee about her encounter in Birches Valley with a BEK, precipitating a rumination upon the eerie origins of these extradimensional pikeys.

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