Before Bigfoot and Yeti, There Was the Legendary Wampahoofus of Vermont – Mental Floss

Wampahoofus of Vermont sounds like a good title for a  children’s book. In an amusing twist we are given the tale of the creation of the lopsided beast said to inhabit the mountains, walking about in a circular path and trying not to fall over. Regardless of how lighthearted the subject may seem, we are left really, really wanting it to be real. And that leads us to Karl Shuker’s latest post, My Interview For ‘The X Factor’ – No, Not ‘That’ One!. Taking three key interviews as they appeared in the UK cryptid magazine about 20 years ago, Dr. Shuker warns us not to be put off by his hard nosed stance at the time on Bigfoot. As he says, “I am nowadays far less sceptical than I previously was concerning this cryptid’s reality there.” And so goes the evolution of a cryptozoologist. Finally, you might be amused by the Bigfoot in this Toyota ad, which was created by the same person (Erik Gosselin) who made the P.T. Barnum FeeJee Mermaid, now at the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine. (CM)

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