Bigelow Aerospace Tweets Alleged Orb Video – Silva Record

In what may be a move firmly tongue in cheek and as Danny Silva observes “possibly in honor of the Storm Area 51 movement,” Bigelow Aerospace’s twitter account adds “Our small contribution” to current UFO discussion. Some people are predictably taking this very seriously; others aren’t so jazzed up. It’s also questionable whether you’ll be excited by the images and conclusions in Tim Binnall’s Watch: Structures on the Moon? Tim presents a video demonstrating the methods some use to interpret probable film artifacts as evidence Somebody (from Very Far Away) Has Been Somewhere. Closer to Home, Tim also lists some Bizarre Suspects Suggested in Oregon Cattle Mutilation Case. The same creativity as to cause seems operative here as in anomalous images interpretation. Really, the North Vietnamese Army? Paul Seaburn expands the discussion of what is, however, a very serious matter in Aliens Blamed for Mysterious Cattle Mutilations in Eastern Oregon and Australia. (WM)

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