Bizarre Mysteries Invoked as Criminal Defenses – Mysterious Universe

Any readers feeling a bit jaded about the legal system in general might want to approach this post with caution. Brent Swancer examines heinous crimes from the recent past, all of which were defended by their perps as having roots in strange and inexplicable phenomena. It’s certainly not the first (or last) time someone tried to find a fancy excuse for being a monster, but in several of these cases the courts actually accepted their unbelievable defenses. We personally believe the criminals described should have been locked up to experience real Paranormal Phenomena in an Infamous Prison. Sixteenth century England was not a place anyone wanted to be, imprisoned or free. Starvation was as common a cause of death as disease, with death by cannibalism coming in closely behind at Newgate Prison. The half devoured and rotting corpses of inmates set the stage for the remaining starving inmates, who were hounded by a shapeshifting beast with a taste for criminals and revenge. We doubt a sleepwalking excuse would have explained away the fang marks. (CM)

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