Black Triangle Sighting in Kirkby Stephen, England on 2017-12-16 17:30:00 – Driving down a66 and i see bright green lights

driving along a66 westbound, when out the rear left passenger window i see something in the sky that was flying along side us also going west.
it had bright green lights (atleast 2) that werent blinking or flashing they were just on.
and it also had 2 red flashing lights, 1 would flash on then turn off, as 1st one turned off the second turned on, and it repeated this pattern until it got ahead of us, where i could no longer see green but there was a faint red light in the sky, still flashing the red lights, this time it was: off, on (1 red light im guessing), and then brighter than the previous (2 lights)
too dark for photos but there were other aircraft in the sky at the same period, this was bigger (or closer) and didnt match the navigation light patterns of those

the green lights formed an upright pyramid, and the red lights were around the middle/bottom side



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