Black Triangle Sighting in Wickenburg, Arizona on 2018-04-03 21:15:00 – Black triangular craft with three copper/yellow lights at the vertices of the triangle. military pursuit.

Object was first seen west south west of observer location. it appeared at first to be an aircraft on the typical flight path of military aircraft en-route to luke afb. distance at first sighting was about 15 miles. as the object continued to fly in a south east direction, it began a gentle arc towards the east and then east north east. the object flew almost directly overhead and was observed with binoculars. it was about the size of a golf ball at arm's length and through the binoculars, it could be seen that there were no typical navigation or landing lights – instead, there were golden colored lights at each of the vertices of the triangle which cast light on the body of the object abruptly ending at what appeared to be sharp edges of the triangular shape.

the object was silent as it passed overhead and continued its arc towards the north. a jet engine sound was heard after it passed overhead and within about 60 seconds, a military aircraft (most likely an f-22 from luke) was seen at about 3000 foot altitude coming from glendale (luke) on a direct intercept of the object.

the military jet and the object were observed as the curved flight path of the object took it on a heading of about 345 degrees true and the fighter continued to overtake. the two craft were observed as they departed the area through the binoculars. last observation was of the object seeming to disappear (whether through distance or other means) while the military craft continued on the same heading for approximately 1 minute after which it executed a 180 degree turn and overflew the observation location in the direction of glendale and luke afb.



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