Cloud Herders of The Himalayas – The Guardian

One of the weirdest gigs David Hambling wishes he could’ve been when he grew up is “Tibetan cloud herder”. Part shaman, part Al Roker, these folks have an uncanny knack for the weather transcending mere Doppler radar, but are they psychic? There are plenty of myths surrounding mediums, and weather control might be one of them. Suzie Price sat down with Laura House to Reveal The Most Frustrating Myths About Psychics, and why their talents aren’t repeatable nor easily reproducible. Honestly we’re shocked this ran in the Daily Mail! Just because something can’t be repeated doesn’t mean it was an illusion. Take the research of Dr. Patrizio Tressoldi addressing the topic of Out Of Body Experiences, Hypnosis, And Subtle Bodies. What caught Carlos Alvarado’s fancy was the possibility of inducing OoBEs, and the conclusions based on the experiences of his subjects. (CS)

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