Cutting Edge Stone Age Technology Was Born In Australia – Sydney Morning Herald

Modified stones are the hallmark of mankind’s oldest technological achievements, and their discovery in the ancient places of the world often rewrites the history of our species as we know it. 50,000 years before the present, humanity’s first footfalls echoed across the Australian continent, and now radiocarbon dating of a worked basalt stone chip suggests that the first Australians might have walked the strange new land with a sophisticated, razor shar axe firm in hand. The primordial axe fragment predates known ancient axes by roughly 20,000 years! Somewhat later on in the New World beneath the waves of a great lake, intrepid scuba archaeologists are vacuuming up Traces Of A 9,000-Year-Old Lost Unknown Civilization Discovered In Lake Huron, Michigan. Ancient caribou hunters employed an ingenious system of stone blinds to harvest the plentiful wildlife that traversed the dry land corridor then running between Michigan and southern Ontario. Truly our ancient ancestors were master engineers with the keen ability to adapt to and even exploit new environments. (MS)

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