Dan Aykroyd, UFOs, and the Men in Black – Mysterious Universe

Brent Swancer details the ufological career and special interests of Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters comic star Dan Aykroyd. One wonders whether some of Aykroyd’s statements aren’t made in a somewhat seriocomic way, but as Swancer notes, a celebrity’s words on such a subject tend “to have wide-ranging effects.” Among Aykroyd’s claims are an encounter with two “Men in Black.” MIBS also figure in Special Cases–The Long Island File (72): Vicki Hayes and Joseph Henslik. This is Doug Skinner’s latest installment from John Keel’s account of his 1967 interactions with New York contactees. Mysterious phone calls and a letter from the alien/android leader Appell are also featured in Skinner’s post. (WM)

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