'Death Star' UFO Filmed Over the UK Described as Glowing Orb of White Light – Mysterious Universe

Well, the footage isn’t that great, and the object Leeds resident James Goldman captured with his smartphone looks more interesting when “zoomed” out of focus, but Goldman is adamant that what he saw “was better in person.” Sequoyah Kennedy expresses proper skepticism at the altitude and speed measurements, and the “absolute purpose” Goldman attributes to its flight. Maybe we’ll have to be happy with what sightings we can get, because Close Encounters with UFOs are Getting Harder to Find. At least that’s what Cheryl Costa says for the United States, and she should know. Adding the most recent two years’ data to UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015, Cheryl notes results that don’t fit the reporting pattern expected by some researchers. Note that these numbers are for “UFO reports” in general, not just “close encounters.” Going back into UFO history, with UFOs and a “Highly Classified Group,” Nick Redfern tries to connect a known incident during the high-tension days of the July 1952 Washington National Airport sightings with a story about a piece of material “that had ‘…been shot from a small flying saucer near Washington in July'” of that year. (WM)

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