Flores Fossil Discovery Provides Clues To ‘Hobbit’ Ancestors – Guardian

The debate over whether or not the remains of Homo floresiensis found on the Indonesian island of Flores represent a new species of primitive human or simply diseased and stunted modern humans has raged since they were first uncovered in 2004. Researchers now say the archaic forerunner of the ‘hobbit people’ has been discovered. Surprisingly, these ancient ancestors were even smaller than their diminutive descendants, which has some scientists scratching their heads. Melissa Hovey-Larson is one of only a handful of female bigfoot researchers out there and believes this could work to her advantage. Find out how in Leading Bigfoot Researcher Explains Why A Woman Is More Likely To Find Sasquatch. While we are on the subject, Was Bigfoot Captured On Video South Of Pocatello? It is hard to say, but our guess is probably not. The figure is simply too small on the screen to discern much in the way of detail, and video “evidence� does not carry the weight it once did. This skepticism, of course, is a byproduct of the age in which we live. We can no longer trust that photographs and/or video are genuine and not some digitally manipulated computer creation. Only a truly spectacular, and close-up, image will have a chance at convincing the world the Sasquatch exists. While interesting, this is not that video. (MM)

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