Ghost Hunters Believe They Have 'Proof' 19th Century Spirit Is Haunting Irish Castle – Mirror

Is it a vial of ectoplasm? Could it be a relic with a preternatural glow? Maybe something even more mind-blowing awaits within Liz Farsaci’s coverage of the spooky goings-on at Castle Ellen House in County Galway. Ardent anomalists may not be too surprised by the reveal. Want your own ‘proof’ of ghosts and become tabloid famous? Heed Jocelyne LeBlanc who enumerates These Hotel Rooms Which Are So Haunted That Guests Aren’t Allowed To Stay In Them! Word to the wise, they’re all within the confines of the United States of America which could also mean the concierge could have a price to humor one’s curiosity for the night. Yet who needs a spooky hotel room when there’s an entire town full of things going bump in the night? While a pandemic recession may be putting the squeeze on these United States, Goldfield, Nevada’s Paranormal Past Might Be Key To Its Future. (CS)

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