Gordon White, Is Magic Outdated Tech? – Skeptiko

Aww yeah, Tsakiris is still at it and welcomes postmodern occultist Gordon White to the podcast to chew the fat on the intersection of magick and advanced science, and its imminent impact upon the 21st century. Now that you’ve been initiated into the deep mysteries, Bernardo Kastrup beckons to you to apprehend The Dawn Of A Post-Materialist Academic Worldview, and its proponents out-Hegel’ing Hegel himself! Yet the occult isn’t all musty-dusty grimoires and staid people in blood-stained robes, as there are those who pursue its dionysiac aspects with gusto. Case in point: White Witchcraft, replete with David Bowie, hard drugs, and the deconstruction of Western occult traditions into something new and markedly more powerful than Crowley could’ve imagined. (CS)

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