Have Ghosts Been Spotted Walking the Corridors of a Norfolk Theatre? – Eastern Daily Press

The cynics among us will likely be unimpressed at what appears to be reflected images of persons out of camera view, but the ghost-hunters who filmed activity at this old theatre in the UK feel “it is really exciting.” The penny-wise manager however reckons that “anything which helps to support the theatre is a good thing.” Far away in warmer climes we learn that a Hospital in Malaysia Closed Because of Ghosts. It’s scary enough being a patient in any medical facility, but at the Central Gesir Village Clinic the staff are as frightened as the inmates, thanks to “mystical mean phenomena” which has allegedly been seen by a good many folk. If you happen to have command of Bahasa Malay, read the 4-page letter about the incidents, to which the item links. (LP)

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