Haven't We Met Before? On Doppelgängers And Perception – Aeon

Maybe there’s something to the aphorism, “You’re unique like everyone else” and tales of doppelgängers throughout history. With the Earth brimming with 7.5 billion souls, there’s bound to be a double or two out there as Jordan Suchow reveals. Rather than being harbingers of death, they might portend acquiring an identical bestie ĉu ne? Speaking of death, Undine shares a gem where a Ouija Board Is Too Frank, Leading To A 10,000 Lawsuit at the start of Prohibition. The only thing travelling faster than bad news is a horse and buggy haunting Colorado Springs. One thing to consider from The Dead Travel Fast, in light of the lead article for this section, is Chris Woodyard’s speculation this could be a vardøger, a cousin to doppelgängers. According to many learned scienticians who serve the crowned heads of Europe, the only way to discern these twin spooks from the real magilla is through Kirlian photography. Yet there are other gadgets and techniques, like The Aura Machine just as potent as Semyon Kirlian’s baby. Just so happens the description provided by Dr. Beachcombing harkens to the violet ray used in electrotherapy. (CS)

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