History's Project Blue Book – What a Disaster… – A Different Perspective

Kevin Randle has changed his perspective on the tv series many of us have loved to hate. And it’s unsurprisingly the “ahistoricity” in the Season Two opener on the Roswell case that has Kevin saying “So, this is where I climb off the band wagon. This episode has done a real disservice to UFO research.” And it doesn’t get any better with History’s attempt to provide more historically solid material. Case in point: The Dark Connection Between UFOs and Grisly Mutilations. A controversial alleged human mutilations case is based largely upon what many consider an extremely controversial source (see Jason Colavito’s review of Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials: The Real War of the Worlds). Much more could have been said about cattle mutilations, a still controversial subject yet possessing much better documentation. It’s somewhat of a relief to come back to Kevin Randle and his Year End Wrap Up (Belated). Though Kevin almost apologizes for doing a one-man show, it’s a worthwhile program. Looking up the story of Kevin’s hitting a land mine in Vietnam in the second link’s “1969 Annual Supplement” and pondering the names listed in red before listening to Kevin’s podcast makes for sobering reading and hearing, and heightens a sense of gratitude for those who came back whole, wounded, or who gave their lives. (WM)

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