How The Hallucinations Of An Eccentric KGB Psychic Influence Russia Today – The Guardian

Once upon a time Madeline Albright allegedly declaring the Far East and Siberia don’t legally belong to Russia. Nobody has questioned the quote’s provenance ’til Oleg Kashin traced it back to Georgy Rogozin, the KGB’s parapsychologist in residence. It’s a troubling case of a charlatan who may still spark World War III. PSYOPs are nothing new to the Americans, and Jack Brewer delves into the shadowy realm of false memories, and disinformation. Long before ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ were in common parlance, forteans were well aware of the intersection of Hypnosis, The Intelligence Community, And UFOlogy. Even if one’s eyes glaze over when it comes to the twisted minutae of UFOlogy, Jack illustrates the chilling origins of America’s war crimes. (CS)

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