I Launched a New Investigation into the 1973 Coast UFO Abduction Story. Do You Believe? – Sun Herald

If it’s possible to open new insights into the hoary old story of the 1973 Hickson-Parker UFO abduction, Karen Nelson has done so. Familiar with versions of the central reported event, debates over its cause, and the immediate sensation and celebrity embraced by one of the “participants” in the case, this reader found nuances in how the whole impacted and continues to bemuse some of the peripheral characters and farther-removed townspeople. And, occasioned by his delayed and final say in a new book by the junior human member of that incident, Calvin Parker, Nelson’s straightforward article and video do much to complement his important perspective on the Pascagoula case. Not many years before Pascagoula, John Keel was dealing with his own set of East Coast “aliens”–the word perhaps applying to “ET-androids,” contactees real or imagined, and strange people in slightly odd to extravagant garb and intent upon weird missions. Special File–Volume Three (15): Princess Moon Owl Again is short but redolent of such bizarreness. One gets a sense of the effect these events were having upon Keel when he writes “Louise called at 2:15 p.m. She sounded normal.” (WM)

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