"I Lost 12 Hours of My Life and I Have No Idea What Happened": People Who Are Convinced They've Been Abducted by Aliens …

Martha Cliff reports on a new Reddit thread for people who “honestly believe they have been abducted by aliens” to tell about their experiences. Cliff’s intertext comments are straightforward and useful, while comments to her article mostly don’t do it justice. Rich Reynolds has a photo and pleasant reminiscence about The Young Betty and Barney Hill, separating his feelings for the couple from what he thinks about their story. In the continuing saga of John Keel’s involvement with supposed aliens, Special Cases–The Long Island File (36): Apol Answers gives us a disappointing reply to John’s detailed letter of July 16, 1967. Apol’s response is mostly negative, pseudo-biblical in its phrasing, vague, and weird. However, Apol’s letter seems to indicate that at least some MIBs are nice guys–even “saviors”–which is at least something. (WM)

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