Jung was Right….For a While – UFO Conjecture(s)

Rich Reynolds uses Carl Jung’s Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky to continue his theme that ufology is either dead or on undeserved life support. Along the way, Rich rather minimizes the significance of the 1896/7 airship sightings, the 1930s “ghost fliers” of Scandinavia, and the 1946 wave in approximately the same geographical area. This prompts Gilles Fernandez to chime in with references to his airship article we had recommended on December 1st. These posts are always interesting, even when the theme is repeated in a different key. Evidence? See UFOs as Artificial Intelligence Probes….One More Time!. Here Rich reprises his theory that artificial intelligence machines from an advanced ET civilization “stumbled upon Earth with its diverse life-forms,” phoned home the news, and produced “the onslaught of UFOs, reported over the eons, and especially in our modern era.” The thesis remains provocative, promoting discussions on the nature of knowledge, advancing a position for factual debate, and possibly explaining at least some of the strange things people are seeing in the sky, and occasionally much more “up close and personal.” (WM)

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