Lil Nas X Joins 'Storm Area 51' With Animated Alien Video and Offer to Perform There – Mysterious Universe

The “Storm Area 51” nuttiness continues. Paul Seaburn relates the particulars behind this not unexpected musical development to the sensation Matty Roberts ignited in late June. The questionable “event-to-be” has already spawned commercial benefit for the locals, as Jocelyne LeBlanc says a famous Alien-Themed Motel Near Area 51 Is Booked Solid For “Storm” Weekend. A quick online search reveals available themed games, coffee mugs, and especially t-shirts. Billy Cox provides a fifty-year-old historical context to the current craze: Chasin’ Down a Hoodoo There … reminds of an event that drew perhaps one half-million participants; Billy has a suggestion for those planning for the 1.9 million who have already signed up for the upcoming Nevada event. And for politicians who might want to know something about those taking part in this September’s festivities, LeBlanc also reports that Republican Voters Are More Likely To Believe In Bigfoot While Democratic Voters Believe in Aliens. (WM)

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