Mexico: Strange Object Astounds Social Media – Inexplicata

We’ve got an intriguing photograph taken last week in Ciudad Victoria, and while the storm that is front and center is more than impressive, it’s the strange object caught within the cloud formation that has the internet chattering. Admittedly, if you wanted to cloak your interstellar vehicle, a monumental storm cloud would provide some excellent cover. For the time being though, we are left with a mystery. Here’s another we are left with: The Kinawley Meteorite Mystery. Even though this incident happened 15 years ago, we still don’t know if it was an airplane falling out of the sky, a meteor, or something “else”. In More Notes from the Special Investigations File, we peruse John Keel’s notes from his 1967 investigation. No definitive answers, but you have to admire Keel’s thoroughness.(CM)

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