More Sinclair Diaries Claims; Plus: Freemasons and Templar Worship of Baphomet – Jason Colavito Blog

Jason Colavito continues his swipes at the authenticity of the “so-called Sinclair journals.” Alarms start buzzing in more than Jason’s head when someone says “I have personally examined some of the originals and am convinced they are copies of older documents” and another appears to date Old English to “the fifteenth or sixteenth century or later.” These kinds of gaffes make it hard to believe people claiming to be scholars in the field actually said them. So Colavito’s other observations about this whole affair seem more believable at face. In Henry Sinclair and the Zeno Narrative in Eighteenth Century Literature Jason attempts to provide some historical context for the whole Henry I Sinclair sensation. More cracks appear in the “Sinclair Journals” claims in Scott Wolter: Masonic Expert Says “Sinclair Journals” Not Consistent with the Latin and English of their Alleged Time Period. Reluctant admissions and apparent lapses in logic–as Jason is careful to highlight–further damage the credibility of the documents’ authenticity. (WM)

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