Mysterious People with Real Mutant Superpowers – Mysterious Universe

Brent Swancer reports on those for whom life may have served up lemons and in response they didn’t just make lemonade, they made medical history. Truthfully, none of it was anything they could have planned, but the individuals profiled in this piece will have you wondering if there are any real limits to what we can do. We’re sure they didn’t initially think their challenges were gifts, but the final outcomes certainly warranted notice. Next, Brett Tingley reports on a study done using metadata where Neuroscientists Uncover ‘Proof’ of Human Precognition. Researchers will not go so far as to call their findings actual evidence of “precognition,” but they are willing to go out on a limb and suggest that “predictive anticipatory activity” is real. Guys, if it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck–just admit it’s a duck…(CM)

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