People Won't Stop Fainting in Greyfriars Kirkyard, One of the World's Most Haunted Cemeteries – Week in Weird

George “Bluidy” Mackenzie was buried here in the 17th century after a lifetime of enjoying the gruesome deaths of thousands of people who opposed King Charles II. Not content with being a nasty piece of work on this side of the grave, it seems he continues in a similar way from the other side, according to many who have allegedly suffered physical injury after visiting his tomb. And in our own time, Heather Snowden tells us of 7 Celebrities Who’ve Lived in Haunted Houses. Perhaps the answer to their ordeals might be found in this video which offers An Introduction to Anomalistic Psychology, with Professor Chris French of the University of London. He believes that those experiences which are generally sneered at as “paranormal” might be better studied as “a sub-discipline” of psychology. (LP)

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