Peter Robbins Interview – A Different Perspective

Kevin Randle and Peter Robbins had an interesting conversation about Peter’s early life and his work with Budd Hopkins, as well as the problems of using hypnotic regressions for people aware of anomalous experiences. The interview was 2/3rds over before the 800-pound gorilla named Rendlesham came into play. Kevin, freely admitting he’d been “had” as a 30-ish UFO researcher of the Roswell crash retrieval stories, went relatively easy on Peter for his mistakes regarding the veracity of Rendlesham witness-claimant Larry Warren. Peter does not want Left at East Gate, the book Robbins and Warren co-wrote about the strange December 1980 events outside two NATO air bases in England rejected outright for its falsehoods. However, the method Peter suggests for readers to do their own sorting of fact from fiction in that tome seems unrealistic. Hopefully Peter will follow up on a commitment to review all of the items that have been questioned and set the record straight. He’s made a good start on this, with a long paper put online on June 12th which Kevin has also published at Peter Robbins Explains His Take on Left at East Gate (Part One) and Peter Robbins Explains His Take on Left at East Gate (Part Two). Massive questions remain, not the least of which are qualms about Larry Warren’s direct participation in the Rendlesham events, and the conclusions drawn from soil samples of an area Warren claimed was affected by a UFO. (WM)

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