Ramey Memo And Victims Of The Wreck – A Different Perspective

Was the Ramey memo a prop for the iconic Roswell photograph, or did it contain something relevant to the crash? Kevin Randle picks up the threads, addressing several contentious interpretations, and the curious response by skeptics over the document. Just more grist for Kevin Randle’s Moby Dick, writes Rich Reynolds. Funny thing, Rich seems assured the Ramey memo will be prosaic and argues against trying. If these words came from anyone else, we’d facepalm with the force of a thousand suns. Instead, he’s making a cogent point amidst those fightin’ words. Undeterred, Kevin notes an analysis has already taken place and the findings regarding the Digital Image Of The Ramey Memo should be available “soon”. “Soon”, because the hold-up isn’t the FBI/CIA or other black-funded government agency shenanigans but something heartbreakingly mundane. Suddenly Player Three has entered the game with Mark OC joining 2015’s UFO-Memo Mania. Between breathless belief, and well-meaning skepticism, Mark gives everyone a dose of prescription-strength common sense. (CS)

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