– Red Dirt Report

Andrew W. Griffin reviews John Keel’s classic and ground-breaking book, first published in 1970 and currently available from Anomalist Books. Operation Trojan Horse attacked the prevailing “nuts and bolts” explanation as a blanket diagnosis for UFOs, proposing a wider, paranormal and even mystical link between what people were seeing in the skies and their ultimate cause or causes. An emphasis on Keel’s interacting with UFO eyewitnesses finds echoes in Special Cases–Long Island File (57): A Letter to Jerome Clark. This summary of Keel’s “take” regarding UFOs largely reflected Keel’s relationship with Jaye Paro, and, through her, with the fictional android/aliens she represented. The contactee theme continues in Deeper Down the “Rabbit Hole” with the “Cosmic Ray”: The Androgynous Orthon and other Startling UFO Revelations. Lon Strickler publishes an interview Michael A. LaRiche held with Dr. Raymond A. Keller, an avid UFO researcher for more than half a century, and author of a series of books described as “a unique blend of retro sci-fi, UFO lore, and the literary genre of magic realism”. Keller has interesting perspectives on ufology and on two different age groups who buy his contactee-related books, as well as the intermediate group of UFO enthusiasts who generally don’t visit his table at UFO meetings. Oh, yes, and there’s Orthon, too. (WM)

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