Return to Antikythera: Team Goes in Search of More Lost Treasures of Antiquity – Daily Grail

The celebrated mechanism isn’t the only curiosity retrieved from the Mediterranean’s depths. A new expedition is underway, exploring the wreckage in hopes of uncovering more ancient marvels according to Greg Taylor. While Antikythera was this ship’s port of call, from whence did it hail? Maybe Atlantis? A perfectly cromulent proposal if EsoterX didn’t cast doubt upon the ancient civilization’s provenance. There’s A Hole In The Bucket, Dear Plato and it’s not going to keep your utopia from sinking again. Next, Greg Fish hopes to poke a few holes in the theory people with Rh negative blood are descended from aliens. In just a hair over 1100 words, he suggests Why You’re Probably Not An Alien Descendant. Like all good debunkers, he avoids Redfern’s points and blusters on with his own hypotheses and copypasta from ‘respectable’ sources. (CS)

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