Return to Rendlesham: Should We Revisit the Idea of Extraterrestrials? – Mysterious Universe

Micah Hanks poses a big question, “Where are the contemporary analogues to Rendlesham?” UFOs still streak across our skies, generating countless eyewitness reports and inspiring YouTube hoaxers to boost the noise to signal. Are visitors changing their modus operandi, or is the extraterrestrial hypothesis becoming increasingly irrelevant? Maybe Micah would be interested in following Mark OC’s investigations. Back in 1976 a saucer profoundly affected a boy, precipitating a series of eerie events throughout his life, leaving Mark to make sense of the UFO Psychology at hand. Meanwhile, Roger Marsh shares the tale of a Texas UFO Witness Outsmarting Men In Black after spotting a weird object over New Mexico. Maybe these agents wanted to know how the passengers enjoyed their in-flight entertainment, courtesy of Project Nimbus. There’s little conjecture regarding the utility of projecting images on clouds for PSYOPs, as Red Pill Junkie points out John B. Alexander is a contributor to this project harkening to Project Blue Beam. (CS)

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