Rok Runestone: New Interpretation of Ancient Text Sheds Light on Viking Culture – International Business Times

A famous ancient lith erected in the 800s AD in Sweden is literally riddled with runic riddles, and science is now realizing that traditional efforts to solve them has probably only muddled its meaning even more so. Rather than espousing legendary feats of Viking honor, courage, and vengeance, a new study of the stone’s text suggests that the riddles have more to do with describing a way to solve this puzzling piece of history itself. Nearly two millennia earlier, the enigmatic pre-Roman Italian culture known to us as the Etruscans inscribed their poorly understood sacred text in stone in one of their temples, and archaeologists have Unearthed [the] Ancient Text [that] Sheds Light on Lost Culture. The groundbreaking find supplements the 2015 discovery of an Etruscan tomb that, together with the tablet, could fill in significant gaps of knowledge about the sophisticated civilization that produced them. (MS)

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