Salt Lake City First Responders Heard Mystery Voice Before Rescuing Toddler From River – ABC News

This story is all over mainstream media, take your pick of sources. This is a genuine supernatural phenomenon that absolutely cannot be explained away. It is very rare that a Fortean mystery doesn’t easily offer itself to open skepticism, but this one is hard to debunk. The woman in the car was already dead, submerged upside down in water and the baby was dangling just above the water in the backseat. A female, adult voice very clearly told these first responders exactly where to go in order to rescue the little girl. The witnesses agree that the voice came from inside the car. And those witnesses? There were two firefighters and three police officers, pretty much a “dream team” when it comes to eyewitnesses to paranormal events. One witness experience could easily be explained away as mistaking a nearby onlooker’s voice as coming from inside the car, mistaking the child’s crying or mistaking the sound of rushing water but in this case, all five heard the same words at the same time. “To me, it was plain as day,” [Officer] Warner told “I remember hearing a voice that didn’t sound like a child, just saying, ‘Help me.'” We have no possible explanation, no serious skepticism and certainly no snark this time, just a serious case of goosebumps and we’re glad that little girl is okay. (MB)

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