Santa Is A Psychedelic Mushroom: Were Modern Christmas Traditions Influenced by Shamanic Folklore? – Daily Grail

Now here’s a little something to shake any grinchiness out of your system and replace it with some high octane weirdness. It may be that our modern Christmas traditions were influenced by shamans tripping on magic mushrooms. So watch when you’re passing that corn cob pipe to Santa, there are children present (and children’s presents!). If you are intrigued with the notion of psychedelics and spirituality, look up Dr. Andrija Puharich, MD. Not only did he write a book entitled The Sacred Mushroom: Key to the Door of Eternity, he found time to unmask frauds and uncover the bad guy in an episode of Perry Mason vs. the Paranormal. Evidently the good doctor played himself and gave mediumship an almost good reputation. No, it’s not “A Christmas Carol,” but it’s probably more fun to watch. (CM)

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