Science Snobs Make Us All Stupid – Hayley Is A Ghost Geek

Everyone knows the difference between a fact and an opinion. Well, almost everyone. Take those science-y zealots, resolute in their skepticism of the world around them, but never questioning their own beliefs nor the data. Everyone’s guilty of this, even Hayley Stevens, but she takes issue with the self-assured who earnestly believe their opinions are facts. There’s nothing wrong with uncertainty and Marcelo Gleiser welcomes it, finding of comfort with The Porous Boundary Between Science And The Mysterious. If we knew everything, then skepticism would be truly about questions rather than arguing one’s contrarian beliefs. Then again, if we knew everything why continue to ask questions? When it comes to methodology and data, Neuroskeptic assumes a maverick stance in trusting his gut when he thinks “I Just Don’t Believe Those Results.” Also from Paul Seaburn’s “Too Good To Be True” file, Dr. Isabelle De Groote’s identified The Perpetrator Of The Piltdown Man “Missing Link” Hoax after all these years. Is it meaningful some scientists were hoodwinked by one of their fellows, or were the victims too eager to believe? (CS)

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