Strange Cases of People Who Vanished Into Thin Air in the Wilderness – Mysterious Universe

If you are like us, the thought of a loved one disappearing without a trace is terrifying. Brace yourself for a fair bit of angst then as you read these stories, because like jigsaw puzzles with pieces missing, the pictures left behind are littered with gaps that are impossible to fill. What seems to have happened to the missing victims could not have happened. And it gets more unsettling with Bright Colors, Strange Entities, and Baffling Vanishings. We are left with more questions than when we started. Are these missing individuals being abducted or attacked? If so, by what, when all the evidence is inconclusive or just bizarre? And why are there so many reports of uncooperative authorities? Perhaps once again the human factors will prove to be far worse than any supernatural elements we could imagine. (CM)

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