
UFO Sighting in Brenham, Texas on January 19th 2016 – saw bright light in eastern sky,made up and down motions quickly then moved away slowly as sun came up near an electric sub station

In my front yard the day before Thanksgiving 2015 @ 4:30 a. m. to sunrise when I noticed a bright light hovering and making erratic movements in the sky, no noise was heard. This was close to an electric substation where it descended down towards the substation. 2 smaller objects were seen coming from the […]

UFO Sighting in London, England on January 19th 2016 – I am very familiar with stars, and at first I thought it was one, or a planet, until I looked closer and noticed it's odd pulsating light.

I was walking home from the gym taking in the rare clear London night sky when I was almost home and noticed what I assumed at first to be a planet or a star ahead of me. I watched it a bit more and realised that the way it was pulsating light was unlike anything […]

UFO Sighting in Florida on January 19th 2016 – Slowly pulsating white light, star-sized

I was in my backyard with my dog. It was pretty much dark with the moon overhead and several stars visible. I was looking at the stars and noticed one of them moving across the sky at a slow pace. I don’t know if it was stationary before I noticed it or not. It was […]

UFO Sighting in Twin Lakes, New Mexico on January 19th 2016 – I was witness to a silent, gently glowing ball of light that changed direction.

I was driving home on January 19, 2016 from Tohatchi to Gallup, where I reside. I was going south on Highway 491(formerly 666). I passed Twin Lakes and was a little more than one mile from Shell station in Tohlakai, on the four-lane highway. I’m not aware of the mile post I stopped at when […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Saint Cloud, Florida on January 19th 2016 – Me and my coworker were driving in the company box truck. He saw the lights and showed me. I took pictures.

Me and my coworker were in the company box truck. We were in a rural part of St.Cloud Florida. He said he saw somthing, I assumed he meant a deer or racoon. I laughed at him, that’s when he said look in the sky. The lights didn’t move or make a sound. At first I […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Nolensville, Tennessee on January 19th 2016 – UFO sighted over rock quarry. It was stationary then slowly started to move NE across the main road.

1. I was in my vehicle driving home. I was watching the sky as there was a helicopter flying very low with there search light on. 2. The low stationary lights over the quarry is what I noticed. Then the triangular light pattern on the bottom as I passed by it. 3. The lights initially […]

UFO Sighting in Mesquite, Texas on January 19th 2016 – Traveling south on gloway, saw a big light in sky. It didn't seem to move. I was crossing over IH 30. It was above me. I look  up nd it was round speed. I turned left onto service road and looked up to my left and it was gone. I did see a beam of light to

I was driving south on N. Galloway and saw a rather large light in the sky. Add I neared it I could see a beam of light that looked to be pointed do to the highway. Just as I was going over the bridge on N. Galloway it was above me. The beam of light […]

UFO Sighting in Bundaberg, Queensland on January 19th 2016 – two starlike object travelling toward the eastern horizen

Just sitting on the front verandah , only one star appearing from the east when I notice two stars in a N/E direction appear and slowwly fall for about 3 seconds and instantimiously disappear. Not flares they were too star like. Both falling at an angle of 10 degrees if that makes sense.

UFO Sighting in Iowa on January 19th 2016 – Disc being tranported on highway 20 West

Just driving arnd 11 am today, large caravan of transports hauling a disc cover objeCt on a flatbed trailer heading West on Highway 20 West. Should intersect with interstate 35 arnd 11:45.

Eyeballs pierced, feet hacked off and tongues cut it two – and all WITHOUT anaesthetic: Gruesome images show the barbaric nature of 19th century surgery

The book, Crucial Interventions, shows gory images from surgical textbooks in the 17th, 18th and 19th century, kept in the Wellcome Library. It is narrated by medical historian Richard Barnett.
