
Black Triangle Sighting in Phoenix, Arizona on November 19th 2015 – 4-5 lights ( 2 circling )Observed and filmed for 45 mins

walked outside after 9pm facing due east I noticed the airplanes were not in their normal flight paths “in fact” abnormal . I saw 2 small blinking lights flying in tandem one in front of the other like they were attached by a string ? I though they were Helicopters until they flew directly over […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Cedar Falls, Iowa on November 19th 2015 – Triangle shaped object which flew silently above in a straight line, appeared to nearly match the dark clear sky

Approx 9:00 PM or 21:00 hours. Clear evening, no clouds, temps in the mid 30’s. Went out to have a smoke and noticed a movement to my right peripheral side vision in the star filled sky. Saw what appeared as a fuzzy outline of a V formation or triangle craft directly above. Hard to discern […]

UFO Sighting in La Florida, Región Metropolitana on November 19th 2015 – En las foto y video  se ve una luz pero en la observación ocular era un rectangulo del gado que giraba

En la ma����ana del jueves 26 de noviembre a las 10:28 aproximadamente estaba conversando con un amigo en la calle y al alzar la vista al cielo vi unas nubes difusas y al lado un objeto suspendido y girando en torno a su eje, luego lo grave con el celular y como estaba sin lentes […]

UFO Sighting in Buffalo, New York on November 19th 2015 – v shaped moved extremely fast with very bright green and red lights

My friend at work where on our way back to work from the store,we where right in front of our work when i noticed these bright lights in the form of a V that was moving extremely fast. Out of nowhere it just disappeared. my friend didn’t see it because he was driving. i was […]

UFO Sighting in Porterville, California on November 19th 2015 – I took a pic of sky, I see a lighted object, not an artifact on phone

On nov 19, 2015 I went outside in my backyard when I noticed that the chemtrails( S to N in W sky) drifting upwards like a fan. It looked interesting so I decided to go grab my phone and take a picture. I sent it to my son via text and took another look at […]

UFO Sighting in Dublin, Ohio on November 19th 2015 – While casually observing a high altitude jetliner, I saw the UFO ahead and far above it.

Initially, I happened to look up to observe a high-altitude jet liner and foreword and above it was the UFO. I Thought it was a formation of high alt. fighter jets. Then noticed that the lights-or highly reflected parts (about 7 of them)- were attached by what seemed to be metallic structures (fuselage-like). The craft […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Cedar Park, Texas on November 19th 2015 – 5 small white lights moving at speed in formation changing shape with one directional change

I was outside the cedar park cinemark watching the Leonid meteor shower at exactly 10:25pm when I witnessed a shooting star travel across the sky leaving a trail and flash, not more than 20 seconds later I witnessed a formation of 4 small white lights in a triangular formation appear abruptly traveling slowly in a […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Pune, Maharashtra on November 19th 2015 – it was triangular object with lights around the two corners, My wife and i witnessed

I was travelling on my two wheeler with my wife planning to go to a shopping mall. i heard the sound so i kind of slow down my speed and then my wife pointed out towards the UFO, i saw it too it was quite bigger than an plane and i know what plane could […]

UFO Sighting in Harrisville, Michigan on November 19th 2015 – Standing in my driveway looking over the trees towards Lake Huron. Above the tree line I spot two very bright streaks, one quickly tracking the other with a small break. Moved very quick.

We had just come home and we were unloading groceries. As usual I was staring up into the sky looking over the tree line towards Lake Huron. I live five minutes from the lake on foot, so very near. Above the tree line from the South appeared a very, very bright streak followed immediately by […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Marriottsville, Maryland on November 19th 2015 – Low flying craft shaped like a plane but not a plane size larger than 747 approx

I left for work and traveling 30 mph down a wooded road when I saw a large aircraft above the treetops to my right side of my truck to in front of me moving slow motion. A few cars in front of me at a short distance and no one behind me. I should have […]
