
UFO Sighting in Callander, Ontario on September 19th 2015 – Every clear night from sept 19 to now still seeing it

standing in bedroom looking out window saw flashing white light in sky red green and blue light changeling from side to side it hoverd for some time then gaind altitude rapidly in a zig zag then shot across sky left to right faster then any plane I have ever seen hoverd for a while more […]

UFO Sighting in Taunton, Massachusetts on September 19th 2015 – several different objects on different nights

I live in the area some call the Bridgewater Triangle,I have been watching the sky for many years as a hobby. I take many pictures of the white lines that the planes leave. While doing yard work and taking care of a small farm I look up and take pictures as I see fit. I […]

UFO Sighting in Sand Lake, Michigan on September 19th 2015 – Large object. Fast, silent, hazy white light.Straight line then massive path changes.

Star gazing in the yard at the time. Amateur telescope viewer and nightly sky watcher. 1st noticed the objects incredible silent speed. I instantly thought ufo as I’ve been able to research all of my previous nightly encounters to date and have been able to dis/prove all of them within a few weeks. I will […]

UFO Sighting in Galveston, Texas on September 19th 2015 – On a cruise and saw it hovering above ocean

On a cruise out of Galveston,tx Wife noticed it first out over the ocean We didn’t necessarily think ufo just a light out over the ocean The light wasn’t sharply outlined. It just moved around within a certain area. my wife and I just watched it for about a minute then it just disappeared

UFO Sighting in New York, New York on September 19th 2015 – Did not see object. Taking picture of sky near sunset. Appeared on pic taken with iPhone 4

I was taking a pic of the sky and cloud formation just before sunset. I was facing Long Island Sound- Thogs Neck Bridge to the left of the pic and Fort Totten park to the right. After taking the pic, I noticed the sphere towards the center of the pic. At first, when I looked […]

UFO Sighting in Bixby, Missouri on September 19th 2015 – Dark object loud thud landing, things out of place and retangle lights observed.

Im going to try and condense this as much as I can and I apologize if its too long. A friend and me set off last Saturday evening to camp and squirrel hunt Sunday morning. The location is the Mark Twain National Forest between Bellview and Bixby off Highway 32. We arrived after dark around […]

UFO Sighting in Whiteville, North Carolina on September 19th 2015 – The four of us were on are way to work at 5:10 am when we saw to the right of us a long diagnal line of huge flashing different color lights .

We were driving on Midway Drive going towards Sellers town Rd on our way to work. When we saw just above the tree tops a long diagnal line of flashing different color lights. Each light was the size of a small car. It was just hovering you could’nt miss it! Everyone in the car was […]

UFO Sighting in Murfreesboro, Tennessee on September 19th 2015 – very bright and at first I thought a planet then it moved very slow and picked up speed changing directions several times then went over the horizon two times

Out on my deck letting dogs out that it was the only thing in the sky! A planet It was at first stationary then went to the left slowly then straight away from me and very fast came right back to where if first was above me as high as planes would pass over…it was […]

UFO Sighting in Sequim, Washington on September 19th 2015 – Orange orb hovering above Sequim, Wa suburb.

At 10:15 to 10:30 pm I was leaving an evening meeting in rural housing neighborhood about 3 miles west of Sequim, WA.(48.8701, -123.16204) It was a clear night, and I was enjoying looking at the bright stars, driving on a rural road, when I spotted an orange star. I thought it was kinda neat, and […]

UFO Sighting in Bolivar Peninsula, Texas on September 19th 2015 – look like a star but in video has different color

I was in Galveston Crystal Beach putting up a small tent for my family and friends. We built the fire and sat down to enjoy the cool breeze. I threw a line in the water getting ready to fish when I came back to my chair i sat down and started sky watching. I started […]
