
Black Triangle Sighting in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 19th 2015 – Most amazing thing I've ever seen

On patrol at Chateau Nouveau towards the front of the complex heading west. looked above to check blinking wall light when I noticed a bright light flying north. It stops suddenly in its tracks and starts reversing back south. It stops over the two story building in front of me before it drops down very […]

UFO Sighting in Russellville, Arkansas on April 19th 2015 – The sun was behind some clouds and looked cool so I held my camera over my head and snapped some blind shots. When I took a look there was this odd sphere in all the pictures.

I was setting out on our deck at noon. The sun was overhead and the sky was a brilliant blue. A clould had moved over the sun, making beautiful colors. I couldn’t look right at it so I held my phone over my head and snapped a few pictures. Later when I looked at them […]

UFO Sighting in South Beach, Oregon on April 19th 2015 – UFO Often in Front of My House

I had UFO/ET experiences as a child, and I’m a member of a support group for abductees (who I was actually connected to through MUFON). I’ve been sharing my current experiences with them, however I thought it a good idea to report what’s been happening here. For around six months to a year, I’ve been […]

May 19th – 60% Yes or It's Education Armageddon – Rye School Sup Alvarez

May 19th – 60% Yes or It's Education Armageddon – Rye School Sup Alvarez. In a letter to parents on Earth Day, Rye School Sup Alvarez says the Rye school system will become the "Soup Nazis" of education, eliminating teachers and programs, unless the …

UFO Sighting in Woburn, Massachusetts on April 19th 2015 – two spherical white-goldish lights, low in sky, moved parallel, seemed to hover over pond, one dissapeared

Driving to a friends house, as I approached the top of a hill I quickly noticed a spherical goldish white lit up craft looking thing in my sight, fairly low in sky, disappeared behind trees/houses, so I quickly changed direction and drove towards it. Got video and several pictures as I was driving, for a […]

UFO Sighting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 19th 2015 – I went outside and looked into the sky and saw a big star..it looked like moving slow…sse it brightened and picked speed and crossed the horizon  seconds ans then faded out.

I went out side to let dog out and always look into sky.I saw BRIGHT STAR IN yhe sky almost above and it was moving slow..about 9:30 pm 4/20/15 this object was about was north at 10:00 and moved slow then brightened as it moved SSE in a straight line a sped up and shot […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Saint Petersburg, Florida on April 19th 2015 – weird looking triangle objects 4-6 lights floated up and over and then flew up and dissapeard from sight in the middle of city nothing else in the sky

I was driving home on 1st ave south in st pete fl and I noticed an odd shaped object flying with 4-6 lights on it. looked light a wide triangle shape. dark color surface object.Could barely see the object itself. My cell phone wouldn’t turn on when I tried to take a picture of it […]

UFO Sighting in Taunton, Massachusetts on April 19th 2015 – saw an orange ball of light heading towards me, clearly not a  plane, made no sound and had a circle underneath it that i noticed when it was directly overhead, plasma type light

saw an orange ball of light heading towards me, clearly not a plane, made no sound and had a circle underneath it that i noticed when it was directly overhead, plasma-type light, and the circle underneath it was like a life saver candy. It was moving at a steady speed and when it was about […]

UFO Sighting in Portland, Oregon on April 19th 2015 – Bright red/orange light as if on fire traveling south in sky

I was having a cigarette while my bf was pulling up the blind on our porch when I said is that a drone? He said No. I don’t know what that is. We watched it. It was hard to watch and focus on. Its lights really made it fuzzy to see. It almost had an […]

UFO Sighting in Seattle, Washington on April 19th 2015 – Red dot object appearing off the wing of an airplane.

On April 19th 2015 I was outside on my deck located in West Seattle ( a neighborhood just Southwest ) of the main downtown core of Seattle Wa with an approx. 240 degree view from N-NW to S-SW with Boeing Field ( KBFI ) and Seatac Intl airport ( KSEA ) flight lines in view […]
