
UFO Sighting in Oregon on June 19th 2016 – Looked like an outline of neon LED lights that almost made a square. Very fast and far away.

I was finishing up playing with my brother outside in our front yard when I saw it up in the sky. I looked at it as it rushed by because it looked like a computer glitch (or when a line of pixels on your tv stops responding). It was way above the clouds and was […]

UFO Sighting in Loveland, Colorado on June 19th 2016 – 3 witnessed object fly, flame and sparks came out of bottom then stopped. pulsation went dark, object descended then we saw impact flash. Went looking could not find at night or in approx area.

I was outside approx 9:30p.m. checking my sprinklers. Looked up to NEED and bright orange-red pulsating object was flying directly towards me at approx 90748158300-1000′ alt. Observed object with some sort of coronal ejection of bright colored lights out of bottom of orb. My first thought was it appeared to be in distress. The orb […]

UFO Sighting in Palatine, Illinois on June 19th 2016 – Gray cylinder in sky

Large grayish bronze colored cylinder floating across sky at good pace. Ends were not flat, looked like pill. looked to be the same size as an passenger plane. moved from SW to NE acroos sky no sound.

UFO Sighting in North Bay, Ontario on June 19th 2016 – A pair of lights flying in formation and then three single lights following same path minutes aparts

Filmed three of five lights which seemed to coming from lake area and heading parallel with Algonquin AVE. There was no wind or breeze so for it to be Chinese lanterns highly unlikely.

UFO Sighting in Michigan on June 19th 2016 – Red/ orange orbes ascending and disappeared out of nowhere

I was sitting on my balcony enjoying the summer night and as I looked up I noticed two orbes slowly moving from the east to the west and then they disappeared after I took a picture and snap chatted. There were no planes or helicopters at the time just clear a clear sky. When I […]

UFO Sighting in Louisville, Kentucky on May 19th 2016 – UFO appeared during WLKY TV 11:00p weather report during first 5min of show. Appeared in the sky moving fast across the screen then disappearing in mid flight. Very clear object had 8 sides and apparatus at top & bottom.

An UFO appeared suddenly on the 11:00pm weather broadcast on the WLKY TV station on May 19, 2016 on TV in broad daylight while the weather man was showing the partly cloudy skies earlier in the day. There is no mistaken identity here..it is clear as can be then it just disappeared in thin air. […]

UFO Sighting in Ontario, Ontario on May 19th 2016 – It was a long shiny object that had lights all across exterior. It looked like it was having trouble n could not get enuf lift to leave. It kept going up then down then sideways for the duration of my observation

730am I came outside on my back porch n I noticed right away a shiny line towards the east. I thought at first it was part of the suns rays, but then realized lol the suns rays would not be horizontal. I looked n saw this long oblong shaped object in the sky above the […]

UFO Sighting in San Antonio, Texas on May 19th 2016 – similar star but orange red,white as it was coming down Deming light stay still did a flash left a trail fire

Hi my name is Mr.🐝 I know that this might sound crazy,but one time before dawn I had discovered an ufo but did have no phone or recording device. I look up an was seeing all the beautiful stars but one of the stars caught my attention. It was like if it wanted to be […]

UFO Sighting in Ludlow, California on May 19th 2016 – fire ball or orb in the sky near ludlow, ca

Near Ludlow, Ca I was driving west bound on intersatate Hwy 40 at 12am Wed 051916 I saw a amber fire ball or a orb up in the sky not too high. Very bright I have experience this two time before in last year multiple ones at that time. I pulled over my on the […]

UFO Sighting in Concordia, Missouri on May 19th 2016 – sighting of a strange light near my farm

So it was about 7 o’clock, I was heading out to cover my tomato plants so that the winter cold won’t damage them. That’s when the force of habit urged me to observe orion. As I looked away again, towards the direction of my plants. I observed this very bright star in the southern sky, […]
