UFO Sighting in Rural area, County Donegal on 2014-03-14 21:10:00 – Unexplained light or lights

I live in a rural area on a farm. on the night in question i took my dog down the yard at the back of my house. i noticed an extremely bright light (to the north) which did not appear to be at a high altitude. i'm pretty useless with the camera on my phone […]

UFO Sighting in Denton, Kentucky on 2014-03-14 08:30:00 – Walking on hill behind my house i saw this silent green orb desending in a unusal flight patten and could see what looked to me the popular desciption of several grey aliens piloting the weird structure

The weird thing about the whole ordeal is that it happen when i first started studing ufos. as if tosay, yep its all true were here. i was wwith kids roasting hotdogs and after we were finished the kids ran into the house, i was on my way back in when this bright green light […]

UFO Sighting in Flagler Beach, Florida on 2014-03-14 23:43:00 – Object at first appeared like a train flying past when your in a train terminal. red white seamingly whitewindows. then shape shifted. appeared to be some organic life form of a different dimensio. couldnt tell if it was in deep space or in our atmosphere

Me and 2 close roomates were all at home and decided to go walk to where one alleged to be a spot where he would frequently witness odd things occur at. it was only a few streets away in a typical township neighborhood. i highly doubted his words and just decided to go on the […]
