UFO Sighting in Waiʻanae, Hawaii on October 15th 2015 – It was about an hour after sunset, I had just plugged my cell phone in for a charge went outside for a smoke, looked up and saw what appeared to be a very large square shaped object covered in yellow lights, no noise or disturbance at all, very creepy.

I was at home outside our front door smoking a cigarette , I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, a glare of light. I thought of yelling for someone to come out and take look, however the object would have been out of sight by the time either my brother or mom […]

UFO Sighting in Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag on September 8th 2015 – Saw hovering lights , one on top and two underneath

Please excuse my english. I was in my livingroom, and from the windows in my livingroom I have a full view of the little mountain South East of my home. It was dark outside at this point. I was sitting in the couch when I registered some outside movement in my side-sight. I turned towards […]

UFO Sighting in Prévost, Quebec on September 27th 2015 – hi i was thing if they were  ufo's why wouldn't they look at the  blood moon  this night and it has not stop  showing up  have  other's  any way itook the pictures as it begins to the end16 pics  one lighting  too  showing that it is  there i'am freak  in

Was outside of my girlfriend apartment taking pictures of the moon that night because it was the blood moon and thought UFOs up there would like to see the moon go redish be like back home so itook them to my happiness was right here they are we are not alone for sure…

UFO Sighting in Prévost, Quebec on September 27th 2015 – just went out to  see the blood  moon  and take pictures of the moon and i did  and i found out we are not lone that  for  sure

So I went outside too take pictures of the blood moon and I think if I was from another planet would like to see a red moon so I took set of red moon 16 pictures and one put. Light we are not alone on the moon. Or space and still continues to this day […]

UFO Sighting in Virginia on January 1st 2015 – Will only talk in person.

I will only tell my story in person for fear of ridicule.

Black Triangle Sighting in Yellow Springs, Ohio on November 29th 2015 – Cat was sitting on fence post, watching something very quick.  Took multiple pictures, all blurry except one.  It showed object circling cat, casting light that reflected in cat's eyes.

It was about 5:30 in the evening, overcast, had been drizzling. I was washing dishes and looked out kitchen window. I saw cat sitting on top of fencepost and thought it looked cute. Went out to take picture of him. Pictures kept coming out blurry. Took about 5 and gave up. It wasn’t until I […]

UFO Sighting in Ventura, California on June 1st 2015 – Me and one other person on balcony with binoculars so saw up huge ship building like structure slanted or tilted with tiny lights like windows. Four lights all came from opposite directions landed on it at same time and it slowly pulled back and away.Huge

Me and a friend were on the balcony of two story home and saw a huge round ship like structure tilted at an angle in sky. Was the size of football field and four lights came from opposite directions at the same time and all landed on it. The lights on it looked like Windows […]

UFO Sighting in Flatwoods, Kentucky on July 31st 2015 – Alternating red and white lighter lined up in a roll. No flash  nostrobing or flashing ,Made slight  turn lights looked the same on both sides seen.

After walking my dog sat down on my front step . I saw a bank of red and white lights that did not flash or strobe but just remainde on . First spotted the lights come into sight around a House that sits to the left of mine . Set in the center of a […]

UFO Sighting in  outside Glen Burne , Maryland on June 8th 2015 – Driving home from Glen Burne, was compelled to look east, and noticed the craft immediately. Got out of car, and began taking pictures.

My wife works in Glen Burne MD. Usually she takes the car for the week, but this week my 11 yr old had a dentist appointment so I drove her to MD on Monday and kept the car home with me in King of Prussia PA were we live. Friday afternoon of that week my […]

UFO Sighting in Rochester, New York on December 25th 2015 – Viewing of two OFO'S in evening sky over Hilton NY

I was leaving my daughters house on Christmas day evening. Her Street winds upward to a Main Street. As I was approaching the top of the street I happen to look out of the driver side window at the beautiful moon. In doing so I noticed a triangular shaped object in between and above two […]
